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USMD offers cutting-edge care for BPH

Christopher Buchanan, MD, is an expert in prostate care.

October 14, 2021


Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is when the prostate (male reproductive gland) becomes enlarged (gets bigger). BPH is a common problem and one that men shouldn’t have to suffer through.

It’s estimated that 80% to 90% of men will have some BPH symptoms during their life. This is because the prostate continues to slowly enlarge — it’s part of getting older.

Without treatment, BPH can cause uncomfortable urinary symptoms, such as blocking the flow of urine. It can also cause bladder and urinary tract problems.

Sometimes, the bladder can even be irreversibly damaged if it’s blocked for too long due to BPH. This can lead to even bigger problems down the road.

The good news is that there are many ways to care for and treat BPH, from medication to surgery. The care we offer can give you relief from symptoms and can help to save the bladder.

Our goal at USMD is to partner with you on a treatment plan and help you to have the best quality of life possible.

Many times, men don’t talk about prostate or BPH issues until they become real problems. But a doctor can help you with a care plan. It’s important to talk with your doctor and to be honest about your symptoms.

My background and training

I’m a general urologist in practice for 17 years, all in Granbury and Cleburne. As a urologist, I focus on care for the male and female urinary and reproductive systems.

One of the main things I do as a general urologist is help men with prostate and BPH issues. I’ve done all sorts of BPH procedures (minor surgeries) over the years. The gold standard of these procedures is the prostate resection.

The technology we use during the prostate resection to open the prostate channel has improved dramatically in recent years. Today, I generally perform GreenLightTM Laser Therapy, UroLift or RezūmTM.

What is GreenLight Laser Therapy?

GreenLight Laser Therapy uses laser technology to remove overgrown prostate tissue and rapidly bring back natural urine flow, often within 24 hours.

GreenLight is usually an outpatient procedure, which means that most people go home the same day as the procedure.

Some people prefer to stay in the hospital overnight because a catheter (a tube used for getting fluids out of the body) is needed for about 24 hours following GreenLight.

Other benefits of a GreenLight procedure include:

  • Fewer bleeding problems
  • Less catheter time needed
  • Less downtime needed to heal after surgery
  • No incisions (cuts) needed due to endoscopic technique
  • No physical therapy needed after the procedure
  • Overall faster healing compared to other procedures
  • Long-lasting positive results

After GreenLight procedures, most people get back to their routines quickly. You and your doctor will figure out when it’s right for you to go back to normal activity.

When the healing process begins after GreenLight, some men notice more urinary symptoms at first. But these symptoms get better as patients heal. I have seen GreenLight treatment help many patients over the years.


How is a GreenLight Laser procedure done?

A GreenLight procedure is done under general anesthesia (a medicine to make you sleep) at the hospital.

The photo vaporization technique allows us to remove the soft tissue in the prostate. We hollow out the inside of the prostate. Think of it like taking the core out of an apple.

After the GreenLight procedure, the channel in the prostate that was closed due to BPH is opened. The laser vaporizes the tissue and cauterizes (burns the tissue to stop bleeding) the blood vessels.

I would suggest a vaporization procedure, like GreenLight, if the patient has severe blockage and can’t urinate (pass urine) at all or needs a catheter 24/7.


How does GreenLight Laser help BPH?

Before GreenLight, some patients were getting up multiple times a night to urinate. After GreenLight, they only have to get up once. Some patients who couldn’t urinate at all or were told they would need a catheter 24/7 for their entire life now don’t need a catheter.

GreenLight can be life-changing. In fact, 90% of the time we’re also getting people off medications completely after GreenLight.

My work has been recognized as a Center of Excellence for GreenLight laser treatment. To become a Center of Excellence, I had to do 50 GreenLight laser procedures over six months.

What is UroLift?

This is an office-based procedure that uses tiny implants to lift and hold the enlarged prostate tissue out of the way so it no longer blocks the urethra. There is no cutting, heating or removal of prostate tissue.

People are awake for UroLift. Some people don’t want to be awake for the procedure, which is when GreenLight is a great choice.

What is Rezūm?

Rezūm is water vapor therapy that uses the natural energy in water to treat prostate tissue causing BPH. Rezūm is done in a doctor’s office or another outpatient setting.

How does a doctor know which procedure to do?

I do a bladder scope to check the size of someone’s bladder and prostate to find out which procedure may work best. I also talk with my patients to learn about what is important to them. It’s always best to talk with a doctor to figure out what’s best for you.

Can BPH be prevented?

BPH can’t be prevented. Part of why we’re seeing more BPH is because more men get testosterone replacement therapy, which causes the prostate to grow (testosterone is a natural chemical in the body that helps it to work).

When should men get help for BPH?

It’s important to talk with a doctor if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Urinating more than normal
  • Weak urine stream
  • Needing to urinate with more frequency
  • A sense of urgency when urinating
  • Getting up many times during the night to urinate

If you need to get up once a night to urinate, that’s normal. Getting up three, four or five times in one night to urinate isn’t normal and affects sleep. All of the above are reasons to see a doctor and discuss treatment options.

Is surgery the only option to treat BPH?

Normally, the first step in treating BPH is medication and the next step is surgery. Medications help to relax the muscle in the prostate. Some of these medications have sexual side effects.

There are also medications to shrink the prostate, but these also have side effects. Some men who put off treatment too long may not respond to medication and may need surgery as a first step.

Many times, BPH symptoms continue even while on medication. But before you take any medication for BPH, your doctor will talk with you about how it works and any possible side effects.

If your symptoms don’t go away on medication, your doctor will talk with you about doing a procedure to help your BPH.

What happens during a typical appointment?

I always screen for prostate cancer as part of your appointment. Don’t be alarmed. This is an important step in creating your care plan.

I usually see people in person for the first visit because I need to do a prostate exam, urine analysis and bladder scan. The bladder scan tells us if a patient is not emptying their bladder completely.

After the first visit, future appointments can sometimes be done using virtual video visit technology.

How long can BPH care be delayed?

Don’t let symptoms of BPH go on for too long. I have seen men who have put off seeking care for BPH symptoms for too long. Delaying care can overwork your bladder to the point where it won’t go back to normal.

Getting care can help you. Technology has improved and side effects have improved. You can often go back to a normal quality of life very quickly if you see a doctor and partner with them on a care plan.

To find out more or to make an appointment with me or one of my partners, call 1-817-784-8268.


By Dr. Christopher Buchanan

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The information provided is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be medical advice or a substitute for professional health care. You should consult an appropriate health care professional for your specific needs.